Games Similar To This is the Only Level 5 Puzzle Game
Previous available version(s) of This is the Only Level 5:

This is the Only Level
Aim for the red button. It is located at the center of the game's odd looking platform. The rules are quite easy to follow. That's if you know how to read between the lines.
Aim for the red button. It is located at the center of the game's odd looking platform. The rules are quite easy to follow. That's if you know how to read between the lines.

This is the Only Level 3
Be confused as to why you can't beat the game's one and only level. It's a never ending challenge that you have to solve by thinking beyond the given instructions.
Be confused as to why you can't beat the game's one and only level. It's a never ending challenge that you have to solve by thinking beyond the given instructions.

This is the Only Level TOO
Move the elephant by pressing the left and right arrow buttons. Avoid the spiked areas if you don't want to lose a soul. Pass through the yellow pipe and be puzzled with the result!
Move the elephant by pressing the left and right arrow buttons. Avoid the spiked areas if you don't want to lose a soul. Pass through the yellow pipe and be puzzled with the result!
Available soon:
This is the Only Level 4 |
This is the Only Level 6
Other games in the same genre as This is the Only Level 5: